Friday, October 24, 2008

Personal Information sharing

Personal information sharing:

In this corner of this session, i am going to share with you personally something which you should know as a customer or patronizing visitor to my online store. All the comments and views which i am sharing here is all subjected to my personal view, hopefully they would not change your own perception based on your judgmental decision. Have a fun time reading through because i would be enlisting and compounding it towards a long list which i hope it would not be a tiring read for you as my "Insatiable customer". Enjoy..Hope it can bring some light to you..

Coping with the crisis that we are facing now!!! 24th October 2008 9:02pm

We all know that in this economical crisis, which unfortunately is happening now. It is time that we should take preventive actions and measures to do something about our lives. The world is facing a very disappointing climate now, and the future that we are undergoing through is definitely not very idealistic.
People living in the US are worst still facing a hard time. This sort of impact not only complicate us in the process but also dragged us into the spiral of the US economical crisis. It is thought of the line:"When the elephant sneezes, the whole world trembles." The elephant is referred to the US country. What are we supposed to do in this unfavorable condition? Well, you could ask me and i am actually doing it to improve my lifestyle and bracing against this uncertainties. No point pondering over split milk, right. It's the actions and remedying measures we should undertake to make our lives better. We are the leaders of our lives, if you don't make changes to your lifestyles, who will actually. Think over it. The following would be my suggestions remedy for the solutions which i have came up with, read through it, understand it and finally absorb it. They are my 3 cents of thought, first of all, you don't have to agree to what i have said and if you feel that it is disturbing to your judgement basis, you should stop reading on.(I don't want my statements to affect you in any ways, but they are definitely something worthwhile to understand)

First, take up a book to read..(What book to read) why you ask me, well first, logically, it improves your reading skills, second,it enhances your English vocabulary skills and finally you are reading in the thoughts of the writer of what he is trying to tell you and the underlying moral of the story of which he is influencing you.

My best recommendation for the book of the month is to start reading this book:"Title: The American Journey of Barack Obama." Author by the Editiors of Life Magazine. Why, if you will ask me. It's simple, let's look at the on going campaign that he is leading on...He is most likely to become the future president of America. Why i say so, its because the newspaper says so. Mr. Mc Cain would most likely not be reigned as the president for US, because he himself admits being "a loser indirectly." A person who has no self-confidence in winning a presidential contest is not going to have the capability to lead a big and great country such as US. (My personal view).The next answer will tell you that Mr. Obama, wins. Why do i say about reading the insights about the future president, its because you going to see about his inner lives, the past experiences that he went through is going to determine his leadership qualities that is going to change the fate of US in the future time. I have to admit that he is only one person, but the control measures and decisions that he is going to undertake, is going to create phenomenal waves to the whole world. Please refer to the elephant statement that i've made earlier on. US economy is going to have a face change and things are going to look good, it will take place presumption, US currencies is going to go up.The recovery will not take place overnight, but better than the current presidential leadership.Well i guess you have to read the book to find out more stories and new opportunistic findings which you can uncover.i can only lead you to this far...the rest i guess will be history...

Click on the right side of my blog, refer to as Bershire's Top 10 books of the month , look for the title:"The American Journey of Baraack Obama. Buy it, because it's worth every cents of your money. This book will entrails you on the journey of the future president of US. Besides, the price offering of this book is really cheaper compared to other bookstores which i have personally surveyed. The saving which the bookstore offers is really crucial to you. You should know what i mean. Enjoy...

Keeping a healthy physics and a well being mindset

In this period of time, it's very important that we maintained a healthy body as well as a well being mindset. The reason is simple, by jogging or exercising at least 3 times a week, helps to keep you mentally fit and healthy, it also prevents you from falling sick easily. I personally experience that when i jogged, i feel great adrenaline pumping in my body and ensuring that my whole mindset is crystal clear, it is opening those unclustered segments of my brain by probing me to think extremely clear of what i should be doing. At the same time, i don't fall sick easily which really helps a lot especially when i am working on my tedious work life. (You don't want to take many sick leaves to affect your current job) My quick thinking mindset also enables me to see things in another perspective and that allows me to find answers to those unsolveable questions.

Always look at things in a different perspective. As the proverb says, don't see things as what they seems, see beyond the surface of matters which are naked to your present eyes. Use your mental eyes to visualise, you experience it better. Don't believe me, try it and experience yourself. I learn things through the hard way of my life because i fall and fall. Fortunately, the end result also ensure me to experience more things which i have never experience before.

Building your mental wealth.

What time is the right time to create mental wealth? You will start to ask me.Well of all times in the past and the future, the time to start is right now! Why procrastinate and delay further. Every sense of your money thoughts should be building right now. Procrastination in building your wealth literacy is blocking your path to embrace against this financial storm ongoing. We must possess the fighter spirit to challenge against of what is ahead of us, instead of avoiding the problem that we are facing. Avoidance is a cowardly act, because by shifting yourself away of what needs to be done, it is only going to dig your own grave deeper. Instead, we should dwell on the contrarian concept and expose ourselves to the opposite side of the world. Things are always not what they seemed to be. because they looked good on the surface, but in depth beneath, what's the story behind, we all don't really know.

Cultivating your route of wealth

We all know that our mindset is the most powerful thing residing in our body. Our growth development all depends on what we are exposed to and how we handle situation. Our wealth fundamentals also start at the time when we started to make mistakes and learn through our experiences. Experiences gained will always be captured behind the back of our mind and this is how we began to tackle difficult issues and make improvements over the past mistakes that we had fell before. Start declaring yourself that "My inner world creates my outer world" "I will start developing my millionaire mindset". Emotions are what most human beings have no control over but it is also the most important factor that determine our fate in having a wealthy future. Once our subconscious mind start selecting deeply rooted emotions and logic, it is our personal emotions that will win over the battle. Don't believe in those myth that money is the root of all evils, people who tells you this is because they are jealous and worried that you might be more wealthy than them. Nobody chooses your own destiny, you are the king of your kingdom and you are also the only person to determine your own wealth future. Build up a blueprint of wealth management skills. Absorb as many financial literacy to yourself and start planning what's good for your own future. Think of your love ones and let them be the motivational pillar to your path of wealth building. Start buying assets to build up passive incomes to your financial portfolio. But first began with your own mind. It's your mind and nobody commands and demands it from you, not even your parents who gave you your life can take over the control of your own mind. Think over it, what makes sense to you.

Build up your knowledge and skills

In terms of crisis and knowledge building, you are actually preparing yourself for the uncertainty happening in the near future. Now is the time to act accordingly of what you need to do against this unforgiving period. Companies which are looking for suitable candidates will tighten their selection criteria and screening process. At the same time, they are also looking at candidates who actually make use of the crisis period to upgrade themselves, whether in terms of knowledge or educational route map, the upgrading program me will be gauged as an attractive package to your own resume blueprint. Learning a skill or upgrading your knowledge base is a crucial factor in your lifelong journey because a skill set is something you own and nobody deserves the right to take it from you.

Great lessons learn from the crisis

With the setback lessons gained from the crisis, there must be underlying lessons that we have to learn and remember deep in our heart. We have to know that there is no free lunch in this world. Your bread and butter requires background hard work and studies which contribute to your earning income. A bad lesson faced doesn't constitute that you are a failure in life. However, its good to ponder over the past issues and experiences that you have faced and regretted. Take it as a good lesson learn and reflect over what are the tiny nitty aspects that you have oversee. A lesson and experience gained would made you more wiser in your personal life decision making. Always research your background work and have more convincing evidence to back up your findings before you press that "red button".

For investors who have suffered major paper losses (structured deposits). I recommend that you start reading up books of how good investments are made and planned accordingly. Not blindly following those hot tips or so called good investment strategy suggested by your own friends or relatives. Do your own research study and made your own judgment because you are the one to bear all your own consequences. Read up the books authored by Ms. Teh Hooi Ling. She holds a Chartered Financial Analyst programme as well as a Master of Science (Applied Finance) degree at the National University of Singapore. All this credits listed by her is not main thing we should highlight, the more important part is that she works previously as an Business times news editor in Business times which gained her the upper hand to receive "the latest incoming info" from the actual company issuing the shares itself. Together with the knowledge that she possessed, her views and planning accordance placed strategic point of view in investment planning and strategy. Her books are really recommended buy if you are to invest in your life. Do it not for yourself but for the sake of your love ones. There are total 4 series extracted from the previous business times segments and a great compilations to your investment knowledge series. Click on the right Beshire promotions and search for it under Show Me The Money. Now is the best time to do some educating for yourself. Spare yourself being hurt deeply by the huge financial sums that you have put in. More financial literacy would enable you to shield off unforseen money injuries and wound in the next financial uproar if you went in again.


I would be constantly sharing more on this session because i love sharing ideas and exchanging them. If you feel that you have anything to share with me, feel free to email me at, i would love to hear from you too.

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